Dan de L’Hermite

Peinture & Sculpture





Actualités :


v  L ’ H Gallery, Lisbon – [Pictures]

Jusqu’au 20  Septembre 2015


v  La Maison de l’Infante, St Jean de Luz

Jusqu’au 31 Aout 2015








Born in France in 1950, Dan de L’Hermite has lived and worked in Paris since the mid-1970s. Long secluded in the comfort of her studio,
Dan has first exhibited in Paris in 2005, then in Biarritz in 2010 and in 2013 at the Muller Gallery in Montmartre. She was
lately presented by Monsieur Marceau in Courchevel. Her distinctive and assertive abstraction is the result of a 40-year
painting journey from Dubuffet to Olivier Debré, along with the Lyrical Abstraction of Zao Wou-Ki. Her latest ‘Complications Synthétiques
offer a greening view to the colored abstraction, as yet seldom seen in current European painting.